The Lamb of God

Daily Reading

Exodus 10-12

Daily Thought

The tenth plague, the death of the firstborn, introduces Passover, so named because the angel of death passed over homes protected by the blood of a lamb. But God knew which homes belonged to Egyptians and which were Israelites, so why didn’t he simply skip the Israelite homes? Why did God require blood on the doorframe of a house to protect it from death? 

We must go back to Genesis. When Adam and Eve chose their own desire rather than God’s, they chose death, “of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:17). Judgment was immediate and their relationship with God was severed. They were, therefore, dead, because God is life. Death through sin has been passed on to each and every one of us. We are all dead, separated from God because of sin. But Grace began immediately, as well. God allowed Adam and Eve, though dead, to keep breathing, and he launched his plan of salvation. Every breath is a gift of God anticipating grace.

Return to Exodus 12. The judgment passing through the land was just. Every family deserving of death would be visited by the destroyer, which means, because all sin, every family would be visited, including the Israelites. That Passover night, the destroyer would not discriminate between Egypt and Israel, all would be judged unless death had already been to that household. A substitute sacrifice, a lamb approved by God would pay the price, and the sign of blood was on the doorframe. It was God’s grace and we are amazed by grace only so far as we are appalled by sin. Blood on the doorframe is horrible. So is sin. The blood was a reminder that the sins of this household had been covered by the death of a lamb.

Now fast forward to A.D. 30. “The next day John the Baptist saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!’” (John 1:29). Amazing grace.

Daily Prayer

Almighty God, Your goodness runs deep, but I choose to wallow in the shallows of my desires. Still, despite my rebellion, Your grace seeks me through the loving sacrifice of Your Son. May your righteousness consume my passions and may my desires become Yours. In response to Your overflowing never-ending love, I live thankfully and joyfully in a life made new again. 

What a wonderful Savior. What amazing grace.


Daily Question

How do you keep in mind the seriousness of your sin and the wonder of God’s grace?

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