Sodom and Springer

Daily Reading

Genesis 19-21

Daily Thought

Genesis 19–what a chapter! The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are a carnival of perversity. The depraved men of Sodom clamor for sex with two men/angels staying in Lot’s home. Lot offers his daughters instead. Are you kidding me! Sodom’s time is up. Their sin has eclipsed the height of God’s patience. The time of God’s mercy is over as he destroys the cities, yet God’s grace endures and Lot and his family are rescued before the downpour of fire and brimstone. Astonishingly though, as the cities smolder in the distance, Lot’s unrepentant daughters get their dad drunk and take turns sleeping with him. Both end up pregnant.

This is akin to trash TV at its worst, “The Jerry Springer Show” of the 1980’s and 90’s. Mr. Springer was asked if it was difficult to find his outlandish guests. “Are you kidding?” he laughed. “They are in every neighborhood in America. Yours too.” He’s right, of course. Millions of people watched Jerry’s show. Look at our entertainment, our websites, our video games, our politics, or look at the daily news headlines, and we are what we watch. Lot’s wife looked back with a longing desire. She loved the lifestyle, and we do, too. What’s wrong with this world? In the words of G.K. Chesterton, “I am.” We all are.

And still God’s grace endures. Jesus took our sins, like those of Sodom and Springer, and mine, and made them his own. He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5). He took what I deserve. That’s mercy. Then he gives me his righteousness. That’s grace. He became like me so that I can become like him. That’s love.

Daily Prayer

My Lord and Savior God, Your love is overwhelming. You love me and I am not worthy of it. You love me anyway. Thank you for that, and thank you, as well, for hating sin. I need to hate sin more. What it does to me, what it has done to Your creation. I look forward to Your coming Kingdom when sin is removed, when holiness is the way of the world, when Jesus reigns. Turn my longings toward You, my desires toward Your ways.


Daily Question

When have you experienced God’s grace in your life?

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